> An open source programming language about statistics.
\ Otho Mantegazza _ Dataviz for Scientists _ Part 1.0
If you need help, as always, Google and Stackoverflow are your friends.
But sometimes you need to learn on a support that is structured, nuanced and detailed, such as books. 📚
One of the things that makes R great is its community of users and programmer.
It is open source and open access oriented and highly dedicated to lowering the barrier to learning R and data science, and make their tools available and usable to everyone.
Bookdown: a package and a repository for open access books about R.
Many authors have made their books on R open access, you can find a selection of my favourites here.
Alison Hill’s Blog; great for everything Rmarkdown.
Simply Statistics; modern statistics and R.
Julia Silge’s Blog; learn about R machine learning framework from one of its main developer.
Gina Reynolds Flipbooks; for more tidyverse and Rmarkdown mastery.
Fornkonstin; at the interface between math, art and coding.
Data imaginist; more art in R 🎨.