>Open Tools for Scientific Publishing

> Present your research in an elegant and reproducible way.

\ Otho Mantegazza _ Dataviz for Scientists _ Part 4.1

Let’s Try it

This is one of the most hands on section of the workshop. The best way to learn how to use this publishing tool, is to use it.


Author: John Dalton

Year: 1794

Source: Hathi Trust

The father of the atomic theory John Dalton, realized that people might perceive colour differently and devised an experiment to test it. Discovering colour blindness, and that he was colour blind himself,

Early scientific publications where in the shape of carefully crafted, extensively discursive booklets. Obviously, printed on paper.

Scientific Publishing

The main form of publication for a scientist still is the article on peer reviewed journals.

Although, as a scientist, you will find yourself communicating your work in many channels, such as reports, blog posts, presentations, books.

Or videos, posts on social media that unfortunately we will not cover here.

None of them less important than the peer reviewed article for making sure that your work reaches the people that need it and have an impact.

Literate Programming

Literate programming is a paradigm that allows us to mix analytic code and markup natural language. The main R tools for it a Rmarkdown, and now Quarto.

We will use Quarto.

Data Driven Documents

As a quantitative scientist, your publications will often be data driven.

To make a data driven report, your best choice is to prepare documents with in which text and analytic code are tightly knit together, in this way you don’t have to update the results manually if the starting data or the analytic code change on the way.

This will make your analyses more reproducible.


Markdown is an extremely simplified markup language. Also known is WYSIWYM: what you see is what you mean. When you write in Quarto you use markdown.

Two Editor Paradigms


What you see is what you get: while your write, on your screen, you see formatted text. If you want to break a paragraph you see a paragraph break, if you want italic text you see italic text and so on.

For sure you have used WYSIWYG editors, such as Microsoft Words, or Google Docs.


What you see is what you mean: both body text and its formatting are expressed in text. You might have experience with it if you have used HTML or LaTeX.

In HTML, if you want to write hello in italic, you write:


When you write in WYSIWYM,you use markup languages.


Markdown is a markup language that’s simple and easy to read.

# This is a title

## This is level 2 title

### This is a level 3 title

This is a paragraph with **bold text** and *italic text*.

Another paragraph with [a link to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)

More Markdown

1. This is
1. A numbered
1. List


- This is
- A Bullet
- List

More Markdown

You can also insert images:


And add tables

| First Column | Second Column |
| Content   1A | Content    1B |
| Content   2A | Content    2B |

> Indented Quote


Use this online markdown editor to reproduce (by copying and pasting) the main content of R for Data Science’s Chapter on Quarto.

Try to reproduce all formatting, such a bold text, lists, code blocks. Add the functional links.

If needed, get help this markdown guide or any manual and forum that you find and like.


With Quarto you can combine markdown text with code in many programming languages and produce many types of output.

Quarto Languages

Programming Languages:

  • R
  • Python
  • Julia
  • Javascript

Quarto Output


  • Reports
  • Blogs
  • Slides


  • PDF:
    • Journal Articles
    • Reports
  • Epub


  • MS Words
  • MS Power Point
  • Open Office

Many More

Quarto File


title: "My Quarto Project"
author: "Otho Mantegazza"
date: today
  chunk_output_type: console

# My Analysis

A very unexpected data analysis.


# Results

Iris have petals and sepals.


# Conclusions

Iris are flowers.

My Quarto Project Structure

This is the project structure that I use for Quarto, when I work on web based project (such as these slides).

You can download a starter folder with this structure from this Github repo.

More Info

For more information on Quarto, please follow the tutorial on Quarto’s website, they are very clear and well done.


Try Quarto:

  1. Install Quarto CLI on your computer.
  2. Download and unzip the quarto-starter folder from this Github repo.
  3. On your computer, open the file quarto-starter.Rproj in Rstudio.
  4. Run this line of code at the R console to install all the packages used in this project through renv

Continue the on next page →


→ from the previous page.

  1. Serve the Quarto project locally, by typing at the terminal console:
quarto preview
  1. On your browser open the local host http://localhost:4200 to preview your quarto project.
  2. Open the file index.qmd in rstudio, edit it, save your results. See how the preview in the browser changes accordingly.

Files in Quarto Projects

The main files in a web based Quarto projects are:

  • _quarto.yaml
  • index.qmd
  • Any other .qmd files


_quarto.yml is a configuration file in YAML format:

  title: "My Quarto Starter Pack"
    port: 4200
  output-dir: docs
    - "*.qmd"
    - img/
    - fonts/
    - js/
    - style/
    theme: style/custom.scss
    toc: true

    dev: jpeg


index.qmd is the quarto file that produce the page that stands at the root (home page) of your website.

title: "Dataviz for Scientists"
author: "[Otho Mantegazza](https://othomantegazza.com/)"
    toc: true
        - style/fonts-landing.scss
        - style/custom-landing.scss
      text: >
        <meta property="og:title" content="Dataviz for Scientists">
        <meta property="og:description" content=" Material and exercises for a three days workshop on data visualization for scientists in R and a bit of Javascript. By Otho Mantegazza.">
        <meta property="og:image" content="img/front.jpg">
        <meta property="og:site-name" content="Data Visualization for Scientists">
        <meta property="og:locale" content="en_EU">

# Introduction

Communication is essential for any kind of scientist. Your research findings might contain the most important results, but if you don’t manage to communicate them to others, they might be like a tree falling in a forest with no one around. Do they make a sound?

A huge part of results today depends on data, and communicating data effectively is a skill made of many components. Representing data graphically is a big part of it.

In this workshop you will learn how to communicate data graphically, and how to use literate programming to make your graphics available to others, together with text and analytical code.

For this three days workshop, we will use R and Javascript to analyze and visualize the data.

With [Quarto](https://quarto.org/), a modern literate programming tool dedicated to scientific communication, we will put it all together, to let you communicate your data in beautifully formatted outputs, which are easy to read, but also reproducible and transparent for the analytical mind.

In the extensively hands-on sessions we will focus on real-world data, and if you would like to, you are welcomed to bring your own data to the workshop.

All the software, programming language, and resources used in this workshop are open source and open access. In this way the participants will have full control on the tools that they use and will be able to access them after the class is over, free from unfavorable commercial licenses. All the tools are cutting edge in both industry and academic fields.

# Slides

Below you can find the link to the slides. 

## Part 1: Welcome to R

Day 1.

1. [Introduction](100-intro.html)
2. [Meet R](110-meet-r.html)
3. [Use Data in R](120-manipulate.html)
4. [Missing Values](130-missing-values.html)
5. [Load New Data Into R](140-load-data.html)
6. [Clean and Tidy Data](150-clean.html)

## Part 2: Intro to Data Visualization

Day 2, morning.

1. [Instant Knowledge](200-instant-data.html)
2. [Quick History of Dataviz](210-history.html)
3. [The Grammar of Graphics](220-gg.html)
4. [Exploratory Data Analysis](230-eda.html)

## Part 3: Better Graphs

Day 2, afternoon.

1. [Better Graphs - Part I](310-better-graphs.html)
2. [Better Graphs - Part II](320-better-graphs-2.html)

## Part 4: Scientific Publishing

Day 3, morning.

1. [Quarto: Open Tools for Scientific Publishing](410-sci-pub-tool.html)

## Part 5: Web Development

Day 3, afternoon.

1. [Why Learn Web Development?](500-web-dev.html)
2. [Data Visualization in Javascript](510-dv-js.html)

# Resources

Besides the slides, you can consult any of these [open access books](https://othomantegazza.com/textbook-library) on the topics of data analysis, statistics, programming and data visualization. The authors of those books made them open access, so they can be consulted online anytime.

# Packages

There's some package that we are going to use in most exercise. To be sure that you have them ready, install them by running at the R console:

At the beginning of each one of your script, you can load them by writing:


# Source Code

The source code for these slides is on Github at [https://github.com/othomantegazza/dataviz-for-scientists-slides](https://github.com/othomantegazza/dataviz-for-scientists-slides)

# License

This work is licensed by Otho Mantegazza under the [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode). For more information about the non-original bits and pieces, please check the file [LICENSE](https://github.com/othomantegazza/dataviz-for-scientists-slides/blob/main/LICENSE) on this course's [Github repo](https://github.com/othomantegazza/dataviz-for-scientists-slides).

# Acknowledgements

Big thanks to [Giorgia Ditano](https://giorgia-dit.github.io/about/) for the help and support in reviewing the course material.


If the output of your project is web based, you can style it with CSS, or SCSS.

CSS or SCSS are a complex but powerful tool to style the web, you can style each HTML element by name.

For example, style the main title with:

h1 {
  font-family: Noto Serif, Serif;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-size: 50px; 

You can find an example in the folder style/custom.scss.

Inspect HTML elements

In Firefox, you can open the page inspector with

  • Ctrl + Shift + C on Windows or Linux.
  • Cmd + Shift + C on Mac OS.

You can use it to identify the name of the page elements that you want to style.


Explore data in your own web based Quarto project.

You can choose to start from:

More info on next page…


…chose some data that you would like to analyze and report on them, combining data visualization, and text.

On data, you have many options:

Feel free to experiment with Quarto, to modify styles, headers and settings, don’t be afraid to break things.



Publish your results online in a website.

  1. Make a free Netlify account.
  2. Start a new website from manual deploy.
  3. Drag and drop the docs/ folder of your quarto project into Netlify and see it go live online.

Watch out! everything that’s in the docs/ folder will become public, check that you did not include any sensitive personal information in your analysis.